Friday, May 9, 2008

Bad surprises suck.

I had a call yesterday. Someone I have known for a very long time and have had a very close love-dislike relationship with has been diagnosed with cancer. This is very bad as said persons mother and father both died in their late 40's/early 50's of cancer.

Even worse, I was speaking to another person affected by this and there was tears on the other end of the phone. All I wanted to do was get on a plane to Wellington so I could distribute hugs and possibly a bottle of bourbon. Instead I have been stuck with the virtual hugging, spouting what I hope are reassuring words, and offering that my phone will be answered at any time.

As ever with this type of news, this is a bit of a shock and has made me feel rather flat for the past 24 hours. It has also made me feel very homesick for hugs from my mum, and has made me miss my dad.

Thank goodness it's Friday and I can wallow for 2 days rather than putting on a reasonably happy face.

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